
Holy Family Convent Matriculation Hr. Sec. School

Student Enrichment Programmes

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Student Enrichment Programmes

Student Enrichment Programmes

Orientations And Workshops

One Week One Lab, a theme-based campaign of the CSIR was being organized to ignite the minds of young innovators. ‘Meet The Scientist’, a special programme of CSIR – was a golden opportunity to converse with Dr. G S Ayyappan, Senior Principal Scientist, CSIR

Tally Certification Programme by Mr. Mahesh Seshadri- Edinbridge Academy.

Our students continue to stay up to date with the latest technological developments and industry requirements through the Tally certification programme offered by Edinbridge Academy. After 35 hours of practical training, all the students from class 12 received certification from Tally Bengaluru in the most recent version of Tally Prime.

Drug Awareness Programme by Ms. Vijayasree Mahadevan,( Founder & Managing Trustee of Srimatha Cancer Care) made a careful attempt in guiding our students against improper food habits, drugs, and alcohol consumption.

Career Coaching Programme by Mr. Koushik H, a Risk Analyst at Barclays, was intended to help our students in selecting the best career path based on their educational and professional choices.

Scope of Engineering by  Mr. Adithya G., Software Engineer – Caterpillar, provided an exceptional programme for our scientific aspirants that explained the greater opportunities in the engineering area.

Drug Awareness Campaign, a social initiative by Tamil Nadu Police to make the state drug-free and create awareness amongst the public, especially youngsters.

Road Safety Awareness Programme by Tamil Nadu Police Traffic Wardens Organisation. They undertook the responsibility of imparting road safety among the children of Chennai schools. Our students took part in the Annual Road Safety Patrol Inauguration event and received certificates

International Day against Drug Abuse Awareness” Programme by the Joint Commissioner of Police with multiple competition categories, was organised. Our students of class IX  took part in the drawing competition and received certificates. Ms. Germitha A, Ms. Induja Lingam, Ms. Rafaella Rhea, Ms. Niranjana, Yashigasri, and Ms. Shreya were the winners

‘Taking Care of Elders’ workshop by Dr. Harisankar, from the BHS Geriatric facility in Chennai, was held to foster a friendly and interconnected society and acknowledge the valuable contributions made by the elderly population.

French Language workshops: French language,the romantic and melodic language of the City of Lights, is taught with great enthusiasm in our school. On July 14, 2023, 12th graders joyfully commemorated French National Day through artistic creations and a choir concert. Our school hosted Ms. Raghapriya Bhaskaran from Toulouse, France for its first academic phonetics workshop on 16th August 2023. Loyola College welcomed our students to participate in the Franco Fiest 2023 interschool French competition on 30th August 2023, where they excelled and won medals.  

On October 3, 2023, Mr. Ajith Kumar of the Institute Français en Inde and Manager at Campus France Tamil Nadu & Pondichéry, French Embassy in India gave a presentation about career possibilities in French language and scholarship awareness programme for students to study in France.

About Us

Holy Family Convent Matriculation Hr. Sec. School is managed by the Sisters of the Congregation of Holy Family, adopting the policies and imbibing the vision of Blessed Mother Mariam Thresia, a pioneer in the field of family apostolate.

No. 62, Medavakkam Main Road, Chennai-600117, Tamil Nadu.

+91 9342 224 723

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